Help support the promotion of Iyengar Yoga throughout Dorset and Hampshire by becoming a member of DHIY.
Member benefits include:
Full membership of IY (UK), the governing association for Iyengar Yoga in the UK
Iyengar Yoga News, the glossy magazine produced by IY (UK) biannually
DHIY Newsletter Yoga Prajna, produced biannually
Use of the DHIY Library which includes a variety of Iyengar Yoga related books, DVDs, and teaching aids.
Discounts on all DHIY events and some independently organised Iyengar Yoga events
Up to 15% discount at for non-teacher members; up to 40% discount for teacher members
Eligibility to book a place at our Annual Convention led by a senior teacher
The opportunity to submit Iyengar yoga related articles to Iyengar Yoga News and Yoga Prajna
Access to Members area of the IY (UK) website
The opportunity to subscribe to Yoga Rahasya, the official quarterly magazine produced by the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI), Pune and the Light on Yoga Research Trust (LOYRT), Mumbai, India
How to Join
As a member of the DHIY you are also automatically a member of IY (UK), the national Association of Iyengar yoga. To join DHIY or renew your membership please visit If you are a new member, click "Join" (halfway down the page). If you are a renewing member, click "Members Login," enter your Username and Password and follow the instructions to renew. Please select Dorset & Hampshire Iyengar Yoga as your primary member group. The cost of membership is £19 for 12 months.
If you are unable to join via, please contact
Secondary Membership
If you are a member of another IY(UK) member group, you can join the DHIY as a secondary member to receive the local benefits of DHIY membership including two issues of the DHIY newsletter Yoga Prajna, use of the DHIY Library, and discounts at DHIY events. Secondary membership costs £8.50 payable directly to the DHIY. Please CLICK HERE and complete the form to join as a secondary member. If you have been a secondary member in the past, please complete this form each year.